Do You Hear What I Hear?

This is Christmas 2020. One could easily say we are on the brink of something big. Many would like to say it is something tragic, the end of the world as we know it. Because the world was hit in 2020 with a pandemic called covid, or corona virus, and fear gripped everyone. It was a time to take a look at faith and at reality.

I did both. My faith carried me through what could have been a bitter anger at the reality. Instead, I found solace in knowing that my God is a good God and wasfully aware of this disaster being perpetrated on His creation. We could have a long discussion about why He didn’t stop it, or prevent it. Suffice to say, one of the most wonderful and terrifying traits of God is that he honors free will. He gave it to us with the intention that we would accept our choices and live with the consequences. At the same time, he gave us a way to get through the consequences with grace and prosperity. That is what a good God, a Good Father, does.

Sadly, the America I know seems to have been swallowed up in anger and despair, covered with a whole lot of fear, that is making our citizens angry at each other and very divided. The wearing of masks has made us suspicious of the shopper in the store if he or she doesn’t choose to wear one. Is that the person who is going to give me Covid??!! they think in disbelief. It is ironic because we have been in some form of shut down all this time and yet the flu continues. Conspiracy theories abound, and some are turning out to be true.

And we have a president who has been cheated out of re-election, at least so far, and there is a remnant of us that are still holding out that God loves us so much that he will not subject this country He inspired to become one that looks like Venezuela. Yes, I want President Trump to win this battle, and I pray daily for the key that would open the door to the fraud and criminality that stole this election right under our noses. I am in a minority, I know, but I am a true believer in the goodness of God in the land of the living.

No matter how the election ends nor how the world turns, these are amazing times. In the midst of all of this, many have been thriving while others have lost their source of income because of the lockdowns. Churches are open in some states, not in others and each state seems to be an independent nation unto itself, declaring law like they have a right to do so. And people are buying into the fear and hunkering down like obedient robots, trusting a government that seems to be enjoying the control they have found.

This is not the country our forefathers asked for or created. And since they placed God in control, we must continue to trust that He, our sovereign Creator and Lord, has a plan. He has not closed His eyes to our plight. All our prayers are being held in heaven and at just the right moment, He will pour out His mercy over us in a way this world has yet to see.

In no uncertain terms, this has been a wake up call to the people of the world, causing many to re-examine who exactly they have faith in and why. Many are drawing conclusions from the media, which has become almost like a choir of opinions rather than a journalistic approach to facts. What IS the truth anyway, and who do we believe?

So God raises His head and with great anticipation reminds us that He is the only one to be believed. How awesome that again this year we end with Christmas, a reminder of the consistent truth of a Savior, the Messiah, who came to bring peace on earth.

THIS is our final resting place. We can rest on the truth that this Jesus, who 33 years later died for all mankind so that we could have a relationship with the God who created the Universe, THIS Jesus wants to be YOUR Lord, YOUR Savior, YOUR Shepherd, YOUR King, YOUR Friend, YOUR Forgiver of all sin.

I hear God calling out from Heaven again, “Come up Here and I will show you great and mighty things, things you have yet to see. This is THAT time when I will again pour out my Spirit on all mankind, and those who see me and accept me into their lives will discover a life only dreamed of before.

Jesus cries, “Let me in. I have been standing at the door knocking, and I will knock until you open the door to me.

Holy Spirit is enticing us with love and joy to “Come, enter into the most amazing life that will carry you above the fray and give you peace no matter what the circumstances. “

It has been a wake up call to me this year and I end with more faith than I began. Dare I be grateful to the virus? NO! I am grateful to the God, my good good Father, who sustains and blesses and walks through all fires with us, and shows up at the end with an amazing answer to all those cries in the night. A Savior.

Do you Hear what I Hear?

Answer the door, open your heart and let Jesus come in.

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